domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Do you know where does this tradition come from? Have you ever thought about it? Well, the truth is that this celebration in particular has its origin, at least the way we know it today , in the US. However, it doesn't mean that honouring the figure of the mother does not date back to ancient times. From this remote past , Mothering Day or Mothering Sunday, was the name given to the celebration honouring mothers. We shall not confuse this Christian origins with the ones from the XXth century.
This modern celebration took place first in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother. After this she began a campaign to make it become a national holiday, and it was not until the beginning of the 1920s when it became a commercialised idea.
Despite the origin or tradition you want to choose or feel more identified with, have a nice Mother's Day!

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